DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
806Login Administration
Access to INADS Port
This field only appears when the Customer Access to INADS Port field is set to y
on the Maintenance-Related System-Parameters screen.
Login’s Password
Passwords must be 4 to 11 characters in length and contain at least 1 alphabetic
and 1 numeric character. Passwords do not display as you type.
Re-enter Login’s Password
Passwords do not display as you type.
Password Aging Cycle Length (Days)
For security, you should assign password aging to all passwords. The system
tracks a password from the day the login was created, or the day the user last
changed the password.
Facility Test Call Notification
For security, this field should be set to y for all logins.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to allow a user to access the remote administration
Valid entries Usage
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and ! & * ? ; ’
^ (),.:-
Enter the initial password for login, assigned by
the super-user.
Valid entries Usage
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and ! & * ? ; ’
^ () , . : -
Re-enter the initial password for the login,
assigned by the super-user.
Valid entries Usage
1 - 99
Enter the number of days the password remains
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to have the user receive notification at logoff if Facility
Test Notification is still administered.