
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1186Bridged Call Appearance
Privacy-Manual Exclusion
Exclusion prevents any other user from bridging onto the call. Activation of
exclusion by any user (primary or bridged appearance) before placing a
call, prevents any other user from bridging onto the call. Activation of
exclusion by any user active on a call, while the primary user and/or any
other bridging users are active on the call, drops all other users from the
call (including the primary user), leaving only the activator and the
calling/called party on the call.
Redirection Notification (multiappearance telephones only)
Redirection Notification is not provided at telephones with a bridged
appearance of a primary extension number unless Ringing — Abbreviated
and Delayed is administered to give notification.
Ringback Queuing
Ringback Queuing is not provided on calls originated from a bridged call
appearance. However, after the principal user of the bridged extension has
activated Ringback Queueing, the resulting callback call alerts at bridged
appearances as well as at the principal user’s telephone. The call can be
answered from the primary user’s telephone or from any bridged
Ringer Cutoff (multiappearance telephones only)
Ringer Cutoff prevents any nonpriority (or nonintercom) incoming call
from ringing at that telephone. This is independent of whether the call is to
the telephone’s primary extension or to any of the bridged appearance’s’
Ringing Abbreviated and Delayed
See Ringing Abbreviated and Delayed, for other bridged appearance
alerting options.
Service Observing
The telephone user or bridging user can bridge onto a service observed call
at any time. If the telephone is being service observed and an incoming call
is answered by the bridging user, the call is not observed unless or until the
telephone user bridges onto the call. Conversely, if the bridging user is
being service observed and an incoming call is answered by the telephone
user, the call is not observed unless or until the bridging user bridges onto
the call.
If the bridging user activates Service Observing using a bridged
appearance, Service Observing is activated for the bridging user.