DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Enhancing system security
317Changing a login
More information
When you add a login, the Security Measurement reports do not update until the
next hour.
Password aging is an option you can start while administering logins. The
password for each login can be aged starting with the date the password was
created or changed and continuing for a specified number of days (1 to 99).
The system notifies the user at the login prompt, 7 days before the password
expiration date, their password is about to expire. When the password expires, the
user needs to enter a new password into the system before logging in.
Changing a login
This section shows you how to change a user’s login. You may need to change a
user’s password because it has expired. To change a login’s attributes, you must be
a superuser with authority to administer permissions.
When changing logins, remember the following:
■ Type the new login name as part of the change command. The name must
be 3–6 alphanumeric characters in length, and can contain the characters
0-9, a-z, A-Z.
■ The password must be from 7 to 11 alphanumeric characters in length and
contain at least 1 non-alphabetic character.
We will change the login
angi3 with the password b3stm0m. We also will require
the user to change their password every 30 days.
To change logins:
We will change the login
1. Type
change login angi3 and press RETURN.
The Login Administration
screen appears.