DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1184Bridged Call Appearance
bridging users until it is taken off hold by the primary telephone
user. After the call is put on hard hold, any new call to the primary
telephone is tracked by the bridged appearances.
A bridging user can place an active call on hold (if the primary
telephone or any other bridges are not active on the call) by using
normal multiappearance hold procedures. Any attempt to enter the
held call returns it to the status of an active call that can then be
accessed using bridging procedures.
If hold is not allowed because of the preceding reasons, the user can
just go on-hook and then reenter the call as required, because the
call remains accessible as long as the primary telephone or any
bridging user is active on it.
— Multiappearance telephones
Any user (primary or bridged appearance) can place an active call on
hold. If only one user is active on a call and places that call on hold,
the indicator lamp at both the principal’s appearance button and the
bridged party’s appearance button shows that the call is on hold. If
more than one user is bridged onto the active call, and one of the
users activates Hold, the activator receives “hold” indication for the
call and status lamp of all other bridged users remains active.
■ Hotline Service (single-line telephones)
If a single-line telephone is administered for Hotline Service, bridged
appearances of that telephone’s extension also places a hot line call
automatically when a user goes off-hook on that bridged appearance.
■ Hunt Group (DDC or UCD)
Bridged call appearances cannot be used in conjunction with DDC or UCD
hunt groups.
Although you can assign a bridged extension to a hunt group, such
assignment is not recommended because DDC/UCD calls do not terminate
at any bridged appearances of that extension on other telephones.
■ Intercom — Automatic and Intercom — Dial (multiappearance telephones
Bridged appearances of a primary extension number are not rung for
intercom calls. Furthermore, if a telephone has no primary call appearances
it can never be rung for an intercom call. Therefore, if a secretary is
screening all calls for the principal, and is indicating who is calling via
intercom, the principal must have a call appearance on which to receive and
send intercom calls.