DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
611DS1 Circuit Pack
MMI Interface
This display-only field appears if the MMCH field is
y on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen and there is a value in the MMI Cabling Board field.
Received Digital Metering Pulse Minimum (ms)
This field appears only when the Signal Mode field is
cas (Channel Associated
Signaling), the Interconnect field is
co or pbx, and the Country Protocol field is
administered for a protocol that uses periodic pulse metering (PPM) as defined in
Table 11 on page 612
. The default value depends on the Country Protocol field’s
Received Digital Metering Pulse Maximum (ms)
This field appears only when the Signal Mode field is
cas (Channel Associated
Signaling), the Interconnect field is
co or pbx, and the Country Protocol field is
administered for a protocol that uses periodic pulse metering (PPM) as defined in
Table 11 on page 612
. The default value depends on the Country Protocol field’s
Received Digital Metering Pulse Value
This field appears when the Signal Mode field is
cas (Channel Associated
Signaling), the Country Protocol field is
21, and the Interconnect field is co or
Valid entries Usage
to 1000 ms
in increments of
Work with your network services provider to determine the
appropriate entry. The entry must be less than the Received
Digital Metering Pulse Maximum field.
Valid entries Usage
to 1000 ms
in increments of
Work with your network services provider to determine the
appropriate entry. The entry must be greater than the Received
Digital Metering Pulse Minimum field.
Valid entries Usage
, 1 Work with your network services provider to determine the
appropriate entry.