
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
941System Parameters Customer-Options
Lookahead Interflow (LAI)
Provides Look-Ahead Interflow to balance the load of ACD calls across multiple
Multiple Call Handling (On Request)
Allows agents to request additional calls when active on a call.
Multiple Call Handling (Forced)
Forces an agent to be interrupted with an additional ACD call while active on an
ACD call. Splits or skills can be one forced, one per skill, or many forced.
PASTE (Display PBX Data on Phone)
Provides an interface between the display of a DCP telephone set and PC-based
Reason Codes
Allows agents to enter a numeric code that describes their reason for entering the
AUX work state or for logging out of the system.
Service Observing (Basic)
Allows a specified user to observe an in-progress call on a listen-only or
listen-and-talk basis.
Service Observing (Remote/By FAC)
Allows users to service observe calls from a remote location or a local station
using this feature’s access codes.
Service Observing (VDNs)
Provides the option of observing and/or monitoring another user’s calls.
Timed ACW
Places an auto-in agent in ACW for an administered length of time after
completion of the currently active ACD call.
Vectoring (Basic)
Provides basic call vectoring capability.