
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
547Console Parameters
The extensions should be assigned to the optional Attendant Selector Console in
the 00 through 09 block (bottom row) in any hundreds group for easy
identification by the attendant. The lamp associated with the number will identify
"call parked" or "no call parked", instead of busy or idle status.
Field descriptions for page 3
Screen 59. Console Parameters — Default Attendant Group
Queue Priorities
Attendant Priority Queue allows attendants to answer calls by call category (for
example, by trunk type). The Attendant Priority Queue handles incoming calls to
an attendant when the call cannot be immediately terminated to an attendant. The
calling party hears ringback until an attendant answers the call.
You may assign the same priority level to more than one call. Priority 1 is the
highest priority and is the default for Emergency Access. Assign a priority level
1 through 13 to each of the call types.
The attendant call categories are:
Emergency Access — A call from a telephone user who dials the
emergency access code (default is highest-priority level)
Assistance Call— A call from a telephone user who dials the
attendant-group access code, or from a telephone that has the Manual
Originating Line Service feature activated
CO Call — An incoming trunk call (CO/FX/WATS trunk) to an attendant
group. This does not include trunk calls that return to the attendant group
after a timeout or deferred attendant recall.
change console-parameters Page 3 of 4
Emergency Access:1_
Assistance Call:2_
CO Call:2_
DID to Attendant:2_
Tie Call:2_
Redirected DID Call:2_
Redirected Call:2_
Return Call:2_
Serial Call:2_
Individual Attendant Access:2_
VIP Wakeup Reminder Call:2_
Miscellaneous Call:2_
Call-Type Ordering Within Priority Levels? n