DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1262Call Detail Recording
— If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is used to
make the call, this field contains the FRL associated with the dialed
authorization code.
— If the call is an incoming or tandem call, this field contains the FRL
assigned to the incoming trunk group.
— If the call is an incoming tandem tie trunk call, this field contains
either the FRL assigned to the tandem tie trunk or the raveling class
mark (TCM) sent with the tandem tie trunk call, depending on
which was used to complete the call. On ISDN calls, this field
always contains the TCM, if it was received.
You can administer CDR so that disconnect information appears in this
field in place of the FRL. If you do this, for trunk CDR, the following
disconnect information appears:
For intraswitch CDR, the following call disconnect data appears in this
field in place of the FRL data:
■ Incoming Circuit Identification (in-crt-id) — 3 digits
This field contains the member number of a trunk within a trunk group
used for an incoming call. For outgoing calls, this field is blank. Tandem
calls contain both incoming and outgoing circuit id-numbers.
The format of this field varies from record to record. For printer, Teleseer
and 59-character formats, the numbers appear inverted on the record. For
example, the circuit ID 123 appears as 231 (tens, units, hundreds). If you
want to change this to appear in hundreds, tens, units format (123), use the
Modified Circuit ID Display field on the CDR System Parameters form.
■ Incoming TAC (in-trk-code) — 4 digits
This field contains the access code of the incoming trunk group.
Data Meaning
0 Cannot determine who dropped first
1 Switch party dropped first
2 CO dropped first
3 Maintenance seized the trunk
Data Meaning
0 Cannot determine who dropped first
1 Calling number dropped first
2 Dialed number dropped first