
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1264Call Detail Recording
Users must dial an IXC access number to access a specific common
carrier for a call. In the US, this number is in the form 10XXX, 950
— 1XXX, or any 8–11 digit number. The IXC access numbers
applicable at a given location are associated with an IXC code on the
Inter-Exchange Carrier Codes form.
When ARS is used, and a route pattern inserts one of the
administered IXC codes, the report contains the associated IXC
code. If no IXC access number is used, or the carrier is selected at
the CO, the report contains a 0.
ISDN formats — 3 or 4 digits
With an ISDN record format, this field is a 3 or 4-digit field that
identifies the actual IXC used on an ISDN call. This information is
determined from the route pattern administration. For AAR and
ARS calls, the 3-digit IXC value is administered in the route pattern
for all ISDN calls. If a user dials an IXC code with a 10XXX format
as administered on the Inter-Exchange Carrier Codes form, the CDR
record contains only the last 3 digits (4 for Enhanced). If a user dials
a 7-digit IXC code, this field contains a 0.
Line Feed — 1 character
The ASCII line feed character follows a carriage return to terminate CDR
MA-UUI — 1 digit
Message Associated User-to-User Signaling shows the number of ISDN
messages containing user data sent on an outgoing call. Data in this field
can range from 0 to 9.
Node Number (node-num) — 2 digits
This field identifies the DCS node number of a switch within a DCS
arrangement. The number output is the same as the node number on the
Dial Plan form (the local id).
Null — 1 character
The NULL is used to terminate and divide CDR Records (usually in
triplets) when needed by the receiving adjunct.
Outgoing Circuit Identification (out-crt-id) — 3 digits
For outgoing calls, this field contains the member number of the trunk
within a trunk group used. This field is blank for incoming calls. Tandem
calls include both incoming and outgoing circuit id numbers. For outgoing
and tandem NCA-TSCs, this field contains the signaling group used to
carry the NCA-TSC.