
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
621Feature Access Code
Call Park Access Code
Used to park an active call, which can then be retrieved from a different station
using the answer back access code. Do not administer to have the same first digit
as another feature access code that is longer in length.
Call Pickup Access Code
Used to answer a call directed to a pickup group.
CAS Remote Hold/Answer Hold-Unhold Access
Used by a Centralized Attendant Service (CAS) attendant to place calls on hold
and answer calls held at a remote switch.
CDR Account Code Access Code
Used prior to entering an account code for CDR purposes.
Change COR Access Code
Used to allow users to change their class of restriction (COR) from a phone. This
field can only be used if the Change COR by FAC field is enabled on the
System-Parameters Customer-Options screen.
Change Coverage Access Code
Used to change a coverage path from a telephone or remote station.
Data Origination Access Code
Used to originate a data call from a voice station.
Data Privacy Access Code
Used to isolate a data call from call waiting or other interruptions.
Directed Call Pickup Access Code
Used to establish directed call pickup.
Emergency Access To Attendant Access Code
Used to gain access to the attendant in an emergency situation. Such calls alert as
emergency calls. This field cannot be used if the Emergency Access to Attendant
field is not enabled on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen.