DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) or Automatic Route Selection (ARS) must
be administered on your switch before you use Time of Day Routing. Time of Day
Routing applies to all AAR or ARS outgoing calls and trunks used for call
forwarding to external numbers.
Be careful when you make Time of Day Routing assignments in a DCS
environment. The user’s COR Time of Day Plan Number determines
whether or not the call is routed to a DCS trunk group. The call loses
feature transparency if it is not routed to a DCS trunk group.
When a call routes over a DCS trunk, the switch at the far end routes the
call according to the COR Time of Day Plan Number of the incoming
■ Remote Access
When remote access is used and an authorization code or barrier code is
dialed for an AAR or ARS call, the COR Time of Day Plan Number of the
barrier code or authorization code is used to route the call.
Related topics
■ Refer to ‘‘Setting up time of day routing’’ on page 194 for information on
setting up Time of Day routing.
■ Refer to ‘‘Defining ARS Partitions’’ on page 191 if you want to set up
different Time of Day routing for different partition groups.
■ Refer to ‘‘Automatic routing — general’’ on page 1167 for information on
Transfer allows telephone users to transfer trunk or internal calls to other
telephones or trunks without attendant assistance.
■ You can administer transferred-trunk calls to receive either music or silence
if the first part of the transfer places the call on hold.
■ Multi-appearance telephones must have an idle appearance to transfer a