Managing trunks
337Tips for working with trunk groups
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Managing trunks
This chapter contains basic procedures for working with analog and digital trunks.
Specialized trunks such as Internet Protocol (IP) Solution, APLT, tandem,
release-link, and DMI-BOS trunks are not covered in this manual. For more
information, refer to DEFINITY ECS Administration for Network Connectivity.
This chapter also does not contain procedures for working with ISDN trunk
groups. Due to the complexity of ISDN technology and the potential
consequences of errors, ask your Lucent representative to assist you in planning,
installing, and administering ISDN trunks. For an introduction to ISDN service on
DEFINITY ECS, refer to ‘‘
ISDN service’’ on page 1394.
Tips for working with trunk groups
You’ll find detailed procedures for administering specific trunk groups elsewhere
in this chapter. However, there’s more to working with trunks than just
administering trunk groups.
Following a process
Trunking technology is complex. Following a process can prevent mistakes and
save you time. To set up new trunks and trunk groups, Lucent recommends
following the process below (some steps may not apply to your situation):
1. Install the necessary circuit packs and perform any administration the
circuit pack requires.
2. Connect the appropriate ports to your network service provider’s trunks.
3. Administer a trunk group to control the operation of the trunks.
4. Assign the ports you’re using to the trunk group.