DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Administered Connections (AC), (continued)
establishing a connection, 1134
establishing administered connections, 1134
failures, 410, 1135, 1136
fast retries, 1136
screen, 471
SDDN ISDN–PRI trunk groups, 1133
typical AC applications, 409
Administrable Language Displays
, 1138
feature information displays, 1506
France, 1138
Italy, 1138
Spain, 1138
user-defined, 1138
Administration without hardware, see swapping
After Call Work (ACW), see DEFINITY ECS
Guide to ACD Call Centers
after call work button
, 60
Agent Call Handling, see DEFINITY ECS Guide
to ACD Call Centers
Agent LoginID
screen, see DEFINITY ECS Guide to ACD
Call Centers
, 1373
aging login passwords, 317
alarm buttons
administered connection, 59
automatic wakeup, 75
CDR link, 65
DS1, 75
facility test call, 77
link, 71
major alarm, 71
minor/major alarms, 73
PMS link, 75
PMS printer, 75
system printer, 75
alarms, security violations, 1479
alert agent, 60
alerting phones, see ringing
, 1476
timers, 1149
algorithms, call pickup distribution, 1290
alias, 42
Alias Station
commands, 1044
screen, 476
alphanumeric dialing, 399
Alphanumeric Dialing Table
, 1045
screen, 478
Alternate Facility Restriction Levels (AFRL)
authorization codes
, 1140
button, 60
description, 1140
toll fraud prevention, 1140
alternate voice data (AVD) signaling, 1320
phones, 38
tie trunk description, 1568
ANI calling party information, displaying, 109
announcement data module, 365, 405
adding extensions
, 367
backing up, 369
changing, 368
continuous-play, 373
copying, 370
definition, 365
deleting, 372
erasing, 372
fixing problems, 371
for a hunt group, 1370
playing, 160
recording, 368
restoring, 371
saving, 369
Announcements/Audio Sources
, 1045
screen, 480
Answer Detection
, 361
answer supervision by timeout, 1142
call classification answer detection, 1141
description, 1141
network answer supervision, 1142
Answer Supervision
answer detection
, 1142
telecommuting, 286
tests, 1557
timer detection, 1142
answerback paging, 384
administered connections
, 409, 1134
endpoint, wideband switching, 424
area codes
, 187
restricted, 179
ARS partitioning, 191
ARS Toll Table
commands, 1045
screen, 483
ASAI capabilities, 435
ASAI Capability Groups screen, see System
Parameters Customer-Options screen
ASG History Log, monitoring
, 323
ASG Key, loss, 323
ASG, see Access Security Gateway (ASG)
assistance button, 61
office phone number to home station
, 297
asynchronous data module, 408
ATMS Trunk Test Schedule
screen, see DEFINITY ECS Maintenance
call categories
, 547
Emergency Access to Attendant, 1323