DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
862Remote Access
Assign the most restrictive class of service (COS), that provides only the level of
service required to provide the maximum security.
Expiration Date
Assign an expiration date based on the expected length of time the barrier code
will be needed. If it is expected the barrier code is to be used for a 2-week period,
assign a date two weeks from the current date. If the Expiration Date is assigned, a
warning message is displayed on the system copyright screen seven days prior to
the expiration date. The system administer can modify the expiration date to
extend the time interval if needed.
No. of Calls
The Expiration Date and No. of Calls fields can be used independently or in
conjunction to provide the maximum security. If both the Expiration Date and No.
of Calls fields are assigned, the corresponding barrier code expires when the first
of these criteria is satisfied.
Calls Used
This display-only field shows the number of calls placed using the corresponding
barrier code. This field is incremented each time a barrier code is successfully
used to access the Remote Access feature. A usage that exceeds the expected rate
indicates improper use.
Valid entries Usage
to 20 (G3si)
1 to 100 (G3r)
Enter the appropriate Tenant Partition number.
Valid entries Usage
to 15 Enter the COS number, associated with the barrier code, that
defines access permissions for Call Processing features.
Valid entries Usage
A date greater than the
current date
Enter the date you want the barrier code to expire.
entries Usage
to 9999 Enter the number of Remote Access calls that can be placed
using the associated barrier code.