DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
1037Vector Directory Number
VDN of Origin Annc. Extension
Data for this field appears only when, on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen, the VDN of Origin Announcement field is
1st/2nd/3rd Skill
Only appears when, on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen, the
Expert Agent Selection (EAS) field is
Only appears for G3r configurations. If this VDN is associated with the AUDIX
vector, enter the name of the AUDIX machine as it appears in the Node Names
Messaging Server Name
Only appears for R5r configurations. If this VDN is associated with MSA, enter
the name of the server as it appears in the Node Names screen.
Return Destination
VDN Timed ACW Interval
When a value is entered in this field, an agent in auto-in work mode who receives
a call from this VDN is automatically placed into After Call Work (ACW) when
the call drops. Enter the number of seconds the agent should remain in ACW
following the call. When the administered time is over, the agent automatically
becomes available. This field has priority over the Timed ACW Interval field on
the Hunt Group screen.
Valid entries Usage
VDN extension Enter the extension number of the VDN of Origin
Valid entries Usage
to 99 Enter the desired Skill numbers in each field.
Valid entries Usage
VDN extension Enter the VDN extension number to which an incoming trunk
call will be routed if it returns to vector processing after the
agent drops the call.