
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
499Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
Use the bulletin board to post and receive information. There are three pages of
message space within the bulletin board. The first page has 19 lines, but you can
only enter text on lines 11-19. The first 10 lines on page 1 are for high-priority
messages from Lucent Technologies personnel and are noted with an asterisk (*).
The second and third pages each have 20 lines, and you can enter text on any line.
The system automatically enters the date the message was posted or last changed
to the right of each message line.
You can enter up to 40 characters of text per line. You can also enter one blank
line. If you enter more than one blank line, the system consolidates them and
displays only one. The system also deletes any blank line if it is line one of any
page. You cannot indent text on the bulletin board. The TAB key moves the cursor
to the next line.
Field descriptions for page 1
Screen 42. Sample Bulletin Board
Valid entries Usage
–95 When a user dials the associated authorization code,
this is the COR that the telephone or other facility
will assume for that call.
change bulletin-board Page 1 of 3
Message (* indicates high-priority) Date
*Lucent is in the process of 03/02/93
*investigating your trunk lockup problem. 03/02/93
*The Bulletin Board will be updated as 03/02/93
*we find information. 03/02/93
* We have identified the problem. 03/04/93
*The trunk you added does not provide 03/04/93
*disconnect supervision. However, the 03/04/93
*trunk group was administered as such. 03/04/93
*Please call Pat J. for details. 03/04/93
We recently added a new trunk group (14) 03/02/93
and have had many of the members getting 03/02/93
locked up. 03/02/93
We see the error - thanks for checking. 03/05/93