DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
959Terminating Extension Group
Terminating Extension Group
This screen defines a Terminating Extension Group (TEG). Any phone can be
assigned as a TEG member; however, only a multi-appearance phone can be
assigned a TEG button with associated status lamp. The TEG button allows the
phone user to select a TEG call appearance for answering or for bridging onto an
existing call.
The TEG members are assigned on an extension number basis. Call reception
restrictions applicable to the group are specified by the group class of restriction
(COR). The group COR takes precedence over an individual member’s COR. The
members could all be termination restricted but still receive calls if the group is
not restricted.
The system allows for as many as 32 TEGs with up to 4 members each. An
extension number can be assigned to more than one TEG but can have only one
appearance of each group.
Field descriptions for page 1
Screen 206. Terminating Extension Group
Group Number
A display-only field when the screen is accessed using an administration
command such as
add or change.
change term-ext-group 1 Page 1 of 1
Group Number: 1 Group Extension:
Group Name: Coverage Path:
Security Code: COR: 1
TN: 1
ISDN Caller Disp: LWC Reception: none
AUDIX Name: Messaging Server Name:
Ext Name Ext Name
1: 51001 27 character name sta 51001 3:
2: 4: 51002 27 character name sta 51002