DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1537Tenant Partitioning
Because some features are not partitioned, you must take care to administer these
features to prevent inter-tenant access. Refer to ‘‘
Interactions’’ on page 1542 for a
list of these features.
You must ensure that:
■ All tenants can call and be called by partition 1. This is the system default.
If you change this default some call types fail. For example, dial 0 fails, as
do SVN calls, ACA calls, etc.
■ All stations in a call-pickup group are under control of the same tenant
■ All stations with bridged appearances are under control of the same tenant
■ Stations in different departments (for the purposes of attendant services)
can call each other
Refer to DEFINITY ECS System Description to determine the number of tenants
that your system allows.
You must assign a tenant partition number to each object (endpoint, virtual
endpoint, or other entity) that has an assigned COR. The exceptions are
authorization codes and fixed-assignment virtual endpoints.
You administer Tenant Partitioning via the Tenant Partitioning screen; you need to
administer one form for each tenant partition. Begin the initial administration of
the Tenant Partitioning feature by completing the tenant partitioning form. Keep in
mind that you must specify an attendant group for each tenant that you define,
even if there are no consoles assigned to the attendant group. You must also assign
an attendant console to a tenant partition and you must assign a group number to
the Attendant Console screen.
Tenant Partitioning capabilities
Tenant Partitioning can provide the following services to tenants: telephone
equipment, building wiring, public and private network access, and attendant
services. In addition, the feature can provide a full range of DEFINITY ECS
capabilities to even the smallest tenant office, including Call Coverage, Remote
Access, Night Service Routing, and others. Tenants can also purchase DEFINITY
ECS adjuncts available on the switch, such as Call Management System (CMS)
activity reporting.