
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1353Hospitality features
You can administer a multiple announcement to repeat. To enable repeating
announcements, enter announcement type
integ-rep command on the Recorded
Announcement screen. With repeating integrated-message functionality, the
announcement keeps repeating from when the first guest (of a group of guests
receiving the same wakeup announcement at the same time) goes off-hook until
the last guest goes on-hook.
If the announcement type is either an externally-recorded announcement or is
integrated-repeating, you can administer the wakeup-call queue for barge-in.
Barge-in means that the guest receiving the wakeup call hears the announcement
as soon as he or she is off-hook, even if the announcement is not at the beginning.
This provides the capability of many users being bridged onto the same
announcement port, eliminating the need for a separate port for each wakeup call.
Refer to ‘‘
Recording announcements’’ on page 368 for additional information.
Up to 10 attendant consoles and/or front desk terminals may be in the
wakeup display mode at any one time.
Wakeup call attempts are not rerouted, forwarded, or sent to coverage.
Attendant or Phone Display
If the console or phone is in automatic-wakeup mode and the user presses
another display-mode button, wakeup mode aborts and the wakeup request
is not entered, changed, or deleted.
Do Not Disturb
If Do Not Disturb is active at a phone, Automatic Wakeup deactivates Do
Not Disturb for that terminal, and the system places the wakeup call.
PMS Interface
A Check-Out request cancels an active-wakeup call request for the guest
room. Room Change/Room Swap requests through PMS cause a wakeup
request to change or swap.
Speech Synthesizer Circuit Pack
Auto Wakeup competes with the following features for use of the
speech-synthesizer circuit pack.
Do Not Disturb
Leave Word Calling Message Retrieval
Visually Impaired Attendant Service