
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1124AAR and ARS partitioning
You can assign a route pattern to just one partitioned user group or you can assign
a route pattern to all your partitioned user groups.
You assign the PGN on the Class of Restriction (COR) screen, and then assign the
COR on each station screen. When a user dials an AAR or ARS feature access
code and a number, the switch uses the PGN of the caller’s COR to determine the
route pattern. The PGN field appears on the COR screen only if Time of Day
Routing is
n on the System Parameters Customer Options screen.
If Time of Day Routing is
y on System Parameters Customer Options, you specify
the partition group number (PGN) on the Time of Day Routing Plan screen. Refer
to ‘‘Time of Day Routing’’ on page 1553
for more information.
Bridged Call Appearance
If a Bridged Call Appearance is used for an AAR or ARS call, the system
uses the bridged extension’s PGN instead of the caller’s PGN.
When a call routes over DCS, the far-end switch uses the incoming trunk’s
PGN to route the call.
Remote Access
When a remote-access user dials barrier code or authorization code and an
ARS feature access code, the barrier code or authorization code’s COR
determines the PGN.
Straightforward Outward Completion and Through Dialing
If the attendant assists or extends a call and dials an ARS feature access
code, the attendant’s COR determines the PGN if the individual extension
is assigned. Otherwise, the COR set on the console parameter determines
the PGN.
Related topics
Refer to‘‘
Defining ARS Partitions’’ on page 191 to see how to set up an ARS
partition group.
Refer to ‘‘
Setting up time of day routing’’ on page 194 to see how to set up Time
of day routing.