DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1132Access security gateway
The BCS Products Security Handbook contains information about:
■ toll fraud and what you can do to prevent it.
■ methods people use to gain access to your system, how to detect toll fraud,
and what to do if you suspect that your system has been compromised.
■ security information for many Lucent Technologies products, so you can be
sure that all of your telecommunications equipment is secure.
■ security checklists for each of these products. You should go through these
with your Lucent representative for each piece of equipment you use.
■ Customer Access to INADS Port
If access to the INADS port is disabled on a system-wide basis,
administering access to the SYSAM-RMT or INADS port, through ASG,
does not override the INADS port restriction. Administration does not
prohibit assignment of ASG to the SYSAM-RMT or INADS port.
However, in a configuration where this method of access is blocked, you
will be denied access to the system through the SYSAM-RMT or INADS
port even if you attempt to access the port using a valid ASG login ID.
If access to the INADS port has been disabled on a login basis,
administering access to the SYSAM-RMT or INADS port, via ASG, will
not override the INADS port restriction.
■ Login Administration
The standard user interface for DEFINITY ECS login administration has
not been modified by ASG. Also, the standard DEFINITY ECS login user
interface is maintained in cases where ASG parameters have not been
administered for the login and/or port.
■ Security Violation Notification
ASG does not support an interface to SVN. Session rejection events do not
appear in the monitor security-violations login report and referral calls are
not spawned in the event that the number of rejected ASG sessions exceeds
the threshold/time interval criteria imposed by SVN.
■ Security Measurements
ASG session establishment or reject events do not increment the Successful
Logins, Invalid Attempts, Invalid IDs, Forced Disconnects, Login Security
Violations or Trivial Attempts counters maintained for the list
measurements security-violations detail report. Additionally, login specific
information maintained by the measurements security-violations summary
report does not include ASG related data.