
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Managing multimedia calling
203Multimedia Applications Server Interface
You need to use both the DEFINITY system administration terminal (SAT) and
the MMCX administration terminal to administer MASI. This document describes
what you need to do at the DEFINITY SAT. It also occasionally mentions
administration that you must do at the MMCX administration terminal. For more
detailed MMCX information, see the MMCX Technical Reference.
List of terms
This is a list of terms that are specific to MASI, or that have meanings in the
context of MASI that are not standard.
chgmasi — The command you use to administer MASI at the MMCX
administration terminal.
Interserver — Connections between MMCX terminals on different
MMCX servers/nodes.
MASI domain — A MASI domain consists of a DEFINITY system and
one or more MASI nodes that share the same dial plan. That is, the
extension numbers on the MMCX are known to the DEFINITY, and fit in
the DEFINITY dial plan.
MASI interworking — MASI interworking refers to the completion of a
voice connection within a DEFINITY system, involving at least one MASI
terminal and a MASI path.
MASI link — The connection between the MMCX and the DEFINITY
MASI node — A single MMCX server. You may connect more than one
MASI node to a DEFINITY system. Each node has a separate number. This
node number needs to be consistent whenever referring to a specific
MMCX server.
MASI non-interworking — MASI non-interworking refers to the
completion of a call by MMCX, not involving a MASI path.
MASI path — The ISDN B-channels between MMCX and DEFINITY
ECS in a MASI environment. Paths are used for voice and data connections
between DEFINITY ECS and MMCX.
MASI signaling link — ISDN D-channel used to transport a new ISO
protocol called the MASI protocol between the DEFINITY ECS and the
MASI terminal — The DEFINITY system representation of MMCX
terminals in a MASI environment.