
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1223Call Detail Recording
Call Splitting
Call splitting keeps track of calls where more than two parties are involved. These
can be calls that are transferred, conferenced, or where an attendant becomes
involved. If you have call splitting activated and any of these situations arise, CDR
produces a separate record for each new party on the call.
You can administer call splitting for both incoming and outgoing trunks, and both
can have attendant calls recorded separately.
Incoming trunk call splitting
If incoming trunk call splitting is enabled, CDR starts a new record whenever an
incoming trunk call is conferenced or transferred. Whenever a user drops from the
call or the call is successfully transferred, CDR produces a record relevant to this
user’s participation. These call records show the amount of time each party was on
the call, the incoming trunk access code, the dialed number and the condition
code, as well as the other fields specified in the record format.
For incoming trunk calls that are conferenced, CDR creates a new record
whenever a new party comes on the call. The duration field in these records shows
how long each party participated on the call. Conference calls produce records
with duration fields that overlap. The duration of a transferred call begins when
the transferring party presses the
TRANSFER button for the second time, so there is
no overlap.
If ITCS is enabled and an incoming trunk call is conferenced or transferred to a
local extension that is optioned for Intraswitch CDR, the call produces an
incoming trunk call record. It does not produce an Intraswitch record.
To enable this option, set the Incoming Call Splitting field to
y on the CDR
System Parameters screen, and make sure that Record Outgoing Calls Only = n.
ITCS examples
The following scenarios depict calls made with ITCS active. The tables that
follow do not show all fields, only those that may change due to call splitting. Call
durations are approximate.
Caller A (TAC 123) makes an incoming trunk call to switch party B (5657890).
They talk for 2 minutes. B then conferences in C (ext. 54321), and D (ext. 59876).
The entire group talks for another 8 minutes, at which point B drops off the call.
This produces a record for segment A–B.