
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Managing multimedia calling
251Understanding the multimedia complex
The mm-call feature button is generally used by stations that are part
of an Enhanced multimedia complex, but may be used by any station
to originate a multimedia call.
Multimedia Call feature Access Code. For stations that do not have an
administered mm-call button, the Multimedia call feature access code may
be used instead. The user goes off-hook on the station, waits for dialtone,
then dials the MM-call FAC, receives dialtone again and then dials the call
normally. The destination address may be provided by dialing digits, using
abbreviated dial entries, last number dialed, station busy indicators, etc.
Originating a multimedia call with the mm-call button will originate a call
according to the Default Multimedia Parameters selected on the System
Parameters Features form. This default parameter will be either 2x56 or
2x64. The bearer capability of the multimedia calls will either be 56K or
64K and the bandwidth will be 2B channels.
For calls with a bandwidth of 2B, use of the mm-call button to originate
will cause the same destination address to be used for both channels of the
2B call. See the section below on the mm-multinbr button/FAC for
information on originating a 2B call where the destination has a different
address for each B-channel.
The mm-call feature access code is generally used by stations that are
part of an Enhanced multimedia complex, but may be used by any
station to originate a multimedia call.
mm-multinbr (Multimedia Multi-number) button. The mm-multinbr
button is similar to the mm-call button. It allows origination of a
multimedia call from a voice station. It is used when the destination being
dialed requires a different address for each of the 2 B-channels. An
example of this is Central Office provided ISDN-BRI. This type of BRI
line is provisioned with separate listed directory numbers for each
B-channel. In order to make a 2B multimedia call to such a device, two sets
of addresses must be entered.
The user goes off-hook and selects the mm-multinbr button. The user may
select the mm-multinbr button and then go off-hook. If the user has a
speakerphone on the station, the user may originate the call simply by
selecting the mm-multinbr button. The speakerphone will automatically be
placed off-hook and dialtone will be heard. Upon selection of the
mm-multinbr button, the mm-multinbr and mm-call (if present) status lamp
(green led) should light steadily. The user now dials the first destination
address digits. The destination address may be provided by dialing digits,
using abbreviated dial entries, last number dialed, etc. The system will