DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Managing multimedia calling
218Multimedia Applications Server Interface
■ Extension — This field displays the extension that you entered on the
command line.
■ BCC — This field displays the bearer capability class of the terminal, and
identifies the type of traffic the terminal supports. For MASI, this is always
0, for voice or voice-grade data.
■ MASI Node Number — The number of the node on which this terminal
■ TN — The tenant partition in which this terminal resides. At present, all
MASI terminals must reside within tenant 1. This field is display-only, and
always 1.
■ COR — The class of restriction associated with this terminal.
■ Name — The name associated with the terminal. This can be any
alphanumeric string up to 27 characters.
■ Send Display Info — Indicates whether DEFINITY ECS should forward
display information associated with a call. Set to y.
Screen 9. MASI Terminal form — page 2
■ LWC Reception — This field indicates whether the terminal can receive
Leave Word Calling messages. Valid values are none, audix, and spe (for
G3r configurations) or mas-spe (for G3si/csi configurations). SPE-based
LWC is not supported for MASI terminals. However, if DEFINITY
AUDIX is used without a Data Control Link, you must administer MASI
terminals to receive SPE-based LWC messages. For such cases, the LWC
feature is used by AUDIX to activate and deactivate message waiting lamps
on MASI terminals.
■ CDR Privacy — Indicates whether CDR Privacy is supported for this
terminal. See ‘‘
Call Detail Recording’’ on page 1221 for more information.
LWC Reception: none___
CDR Privacy? n
AUDIX Name: ________