DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Inbound Call Management (ICM), see DEFINITY
ECS Guide to ACD Call Centers
Incoming Call Handling Treatment screen, see
ISDN Trunk Group screen
incoming call ID button
, 70
Incoming Call Line Identification (ICLID) on Ana-
log Trunks
, 1376
displaying ICLID information, 110
incoming call-handling treatment, 1300
Individual Attendant Access, 1339
elements (IE)
, 1299
transfer capabilities (ITC), 1341
inserting vector or VDN steps, 165
inspect button, 71
installing home equipment, 295
announcement board, see Announce-
ments/Audio Sources screen
conversion modems
, 1433
integrated directory button, 68
Integrated Services Digital Network, see ISDN
, 386
intercom, 62, 385, 386
commands, 1053
screen, 720
Inter-Exchange Carrier (IXC) codes
, 1053
example, 178
screen, 721
Interface Links
screen, see DEFINITY ECS Administration for
Network Connectivity
Internal Automatic Answer (IAA)
, 71
description, 1379
Internet Protocol (IP) trunks, see IP trunks
Inter-PBX Attendant Service (IAS), see DEFINITY
ECS Guide to ACD Call Centers
Intra-Switch CDR
, 1054
screen, 723
inward wide area telecommunications service
, 1297
IP Softphones, 52, 1119
IP trunks
, 1389
Call Detail Recording (CDR) logs, 1389
Configuration Manager, 724, 1383
description, 1567
making phone calls with computers, 1393
network issues, 1389
quality of service logs, 1391
reducing long-distance costs with off-pre-
mises dialing, 1384
rerouting calls when IP transmission quality is
, 1386
IP trunks, (continued)
restricting access, 1384
security alerts, 1386
ISDN Group Member Assignments screen, see
ISDN Trunk Group screen
ISDN service
access codes
, 1413
call identification displays, 1398, 1403
caller information forwarding (CINFO)
, 1405
CPN/BN-to-host call identification, 1398
description, 1394
displays, 1404
Facility Restriction Levels (FRL), 1405
identification numbers, 1403
ISDN gateway, 1398
ISDN Number — Private, 772, 1054
ISDN Number — Public/Unknown, 775, 1054
ISDN-BRI, 1054, 1454
ISDN-BRI data modules, 397
ISDN-PRI, 1394, 1402
ISDN-PRI overlap sending, 1171
ISDN-PRI terminal adapters, 424
Malicious Call Trace (MCT), 1406
multiple subscriber number (MSN) –
limited, 1406
overlap sending, 1406
private networks, 1397
public networks, 1397
see also Trunks and trunk groups
transmission rate and protocols
, 1396
Traveling Class Marks (TCM), 1405
types of information, 1403
ISDN TELESEER data format, 1231
ISDN Trunk Group
, 1567
screen, 738
ISDN TSC Gateway Channel Assignments
screen, see DEFINITY ECS Administration for
Network Connectivity
ISDN-BRI Trunk Circuit Pack
, 777
Administrable Language Displays, 1138
Leave Word Calling (LWC), 1408
phone displays, 1499
trunk flash, 1562, 1563
ITU, 1438
IXC, see Inter-Exchange Carrier (IXC) codes
language displays, 1506
Language Translations
, 1055
screen, 786
last number dialed button, 71