DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
709Hunt Group
Supervisor Extension
Timed ACW Interval (sec)
When a value is entered in this field, an agent in auto-in work mode who receives
an ACD call from this hunt group is placed automatically into After Call Work
(ACW) when the call drops. Enter the number of seconds the agent should remain
in ACW following the call. When the administered time is over, the agent
automatically becomes available. Timed ACW cannot be administered if the hunt
group is adjunct controlled, is an AUDIX Message Center, or is an auto-available
split. The Timed ACW Interval field appears only if, on page 3 of the System
Parameters Customer-Option screen, the Timed ACW field is
Priority On Intraflow
Does not appear if the Vector field is
Service Level Supervisor
Appears if, on the System Parameters Customer-Options screen, the CentreVu
Advocate field is
y and, on the Hunt Group screen, the ACD and Skill fields are y.
For information on CentreVu® Advocate, please contact your Lucent Account
Executive or refer to the CentreVu® Advocate User Guide.
Valid entries Usage
Enter the extension number (cannot be a VDN number) of the
ACD split/skill supervisor that agents will reach when using
the Assist feature
Valid entries Usage
The number of seconds the agent should remain in ACW
following the call.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y for calls intraflowing from this split to a covering split
to be given priority over other calls waiting in the covering
split queue.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to use Service Level Supervisor for this skill.