SPI9000 Inverter Unit FI9 – FI14 User Manual
5-26 For more information visit: www.EatonElectrical.com MN04004002E
September 2006
Fan Control (P6.7.2)
This function allows you to control the cooling fan of the inverter. You can set the fan to run
continuously when the power is switched on or depending on the temperature of the unit. If
the latter function has been selected, the fan is switched on automatically when the heatsink
temperature reaches 60°C. The fan receives a stop command when the heatsink temperature
falls to 55°C. After the command, the fan runs for approximately 1 minute before stopping.
The same happens after switching on the power and after changing the value from
Continuous to Temperature.
Note: The fan runs always when the drive is in RUN state.
To change the value: Enter the edit mode by pressing Menu Button Right. The value starts
blinking. Use the Browser buttons to change the fan mode and confirm the change with the
ENTER button. If you do not want to change the value, return to the previous level with Menu
Button Left. See Figure 5-24.
Figure 5-24: Fan Control Function
HMI Acknowledge Timeout (P6.7.3)
This function allows the user to change the timeout of the HMI acknowledgement time. The
inverter waits for the HMI acknowledgment in accordance with the value of this parameter.
Note: If the inverter has been connected to the PC with a normal cable, the default values of
parameters 6.7.3 and 6.7.4 (200 and 5) must not be changed.
If the inverter has been connected to the PC via a modem and there is a delay in transferring
messages, the value of parameter 6.7.3 must be set according to the delay as follows:
● Transfer delay between the inverter and the PC = 600 ms
● The value of par. 6.7.3 is set to 1200 ms (2 x 600, sending delay + receiving delay)
● The corresponding setting shall be entered in the [Misc] part of the file NCDrive.ini:
– Retries = 5
– AckTimeOut = 1200
– TimeOut = 6000
● It must also be considered that intervals shorter than the AckTimeOut time cannot be
used in NC-Drive monitoring.
Enter the edit mode by pressing Menu Button Right. The current value starts to blink. Use the
Browser buttons to change the acknowledgement time. Confirm the change with the ENTER
button or return to the previous level with Menu Button Left.
Fan control
Fan control
P6.7.2 P6.7.2
Fan control