Juniper Networks 8 Router User Manual

ERX 8.0.x Hardware Guide
Table 15: Troubleshooting High-Temperature Conditions (continued)
Cause of High Operating
Temperature Symptoms Resolution
Cooling fan failure FAN OK LED on SRP module is
not illuminated.
FAN FAIL LED on SRP module
is illuminated.
Replace fan tray. (See “Maintaining ERX
Routers” on page 85.)
Module failure FAIL LED on module is illuminated. Replace module. (See “Installing
Modules” on pa
ge 35.)
When you have
resolved the c ause of the high temperature, you must
power cycle the system to reset the mod ules.
Resetting L
ine Modules and SRP Modules
Two recesse
d buttons on line modules and SRP modules provide the mechanisms
for resetting. You can use the N MI button to reset the software on the module
and the module reset b utton to reset the module. See Figu re 9.
If a line module fails to respond for an extended time, that mod ul e might
are problem. Yo u can depress the software reset button with a
paper clip to suspend the current software task. Depending on the situation,
this action might also reset the software on the module.
If depressing the software reset button fails to correct th e issue with the line
module, de
press the module reset button to reboot the line module.
The button
s work in the sam e way for the SRP module. Depressing the
module reset button on an SRP module is eq ui valent to rebooting the
router and cause s all the line modules to reboot.
Double-Bit Errors on SRP Modules
SRP modules include error checking an d co rrection (ECC) to protect their
SDRAM. ECC provides error detection of sing le-bit and double -bit errors and
on of single-bit errors for the SD RAM as follows:
If EC C det
ects a single-bit error, it au tomatically co rrects the error, and
operation continues.
If ECC d etects a double-bit error, it logs the error, stops the main processor on
the controller, and takes the SRP module offline.
Detecting Double-Bit Errors
The following message appears on the console if ECC detects a double-bit erro r:
114 Double-Bit Errors on SRP Modules