(When safety switch or EDM switch is turned off, the intelligent input and output terminal
assigned on will be set as "no" function, and contact will remain normally off.)
Always use both inputs to disable the drive. If for any reason only one channel is opened,
the drive output is stopped but the EDM output is not activated. In this case the Safe
Disable input wiring must be checked.
According to the safety standard listed above, please install referring to the example.
Please be sure to use the both GS1 and GS2, and construct the system that GS1 andGS2
are both turned off when safety input is given to the inverter.
When the Gate Suppress function is utilized, connect the drive to a safety certified
interrupting device utilizing EDM output signal to reconfirm both safety inputs GS1 and
Note 1) They are automatically set when safety switch is turned ON, cannot be changed.
Note 2) Those are automatically assigned when EDM switch is turned ON, cannot be
Note 3) Inverter trips with "E37". When competing with external trip (E12), E37 has priority.
Note 4) While the drive is the trip status "E037" and either GS1 or GS2 is activated, on the
safety by is not guaranteed.
data description
C003 77 GS1: Safety input 1 (note 1)
Input [3] and [4]
C004 78
GS2:Safety input 2 (note 1)
C013 01 NC: Normally Closed (note 1) Input [3] and [4]
active state
C014 01 NC: Normally Closed (note 1)
Output [11] function C021 62
EDM:External Device Monitor(note2)
Output [11] active
C031 00 NO: Normally Open (note 2)
00 Output is shut off by hardware. No trip.
GS input mode b145
Output is shut off by hardware, and then,
trip. (note3) (note4)