Chapter 2 135
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L By Extension
Sorts and displays the current file catalog, in alphabetical order, by the file extension of the
file names (for example: .TRC, .STA).
Key Path:
File, Catalog, Sort By Size
Sorts and displays the current file catalog by the size of the files.
Key Path:
File, Catalog, Sort Order
Changes the order of the display of the current file catalog.
Up sortsthefilesinascending
order (A to Z, 1 to 9), while Down sorts in descending order (Z to A, 9 to 1).
Key Path:
File, Catalog, Sort Dir Up
Moves up one subdirectory level within a directory. If your position is in the top level of the
drive already, it moves up to the drive level and the current drive is highlighted (A: or C:).
Key Path: File, Catalog Dir Select
Selects the drive or directory that is highlighted on the display. You can use the up and
down arrows to select and highlight the desired drive or directory. If the top entry in the
catalog has a “..” indication, you are in a subdirectory, and this key acts the same as the
key. When you are at the top directory level, this key moves up to the drive level.
Key Path:
File, Catalog