Chapter 5 373
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Burst Power)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Example: BPOW:AVG:TYP LPOWer to select Log type.
5.8.4 Threshold Lvl
Enables you to set the level above which the mean carrier power calculation is based. The
threshold level can be described in dB (
Key Path:
Meas Setup
Factory Preset: −30 dB
Terminators: dB or dBm
Default Terminator dB
Knob Increment: 0.1 dB/dBm
Step Key
Increment: 6 dB/dBm
Range: –60 dBm to 60 dBm (in absolute mode)
–60 dB to 0 dB (in relative mode)
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:BPOWer:THReshold <number>
[:SENSe]:BPOWer:THReshold:TYPE ABSolute|RELative
5.8.5 Meas Method
Allows you to select the measurement method.
• Above Threshold Lvl — Selects the user defined threshold level or default level (-3.00 dB)
as the criteria in making the measurement.
• Measured Burst Width — This measurement method is not available for the following radio
standards: IS-95, J-STD-008, cdma2000-SR1, cdma2000-SR3, W-DCMA 3GPP.