Chapter 4 251
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
user state.
SYST:PRES:TYPE USER defines the type of preset as the user preset.
With user preset selected, and a user state saved, use SYST:PRES to do a
user preset. Mode
Sets the preset type to “Mode.” When you do a preset, the current mode factory default
instrument state will be restored. A mode preset does not change the mode. Refer to
“Preset” on page 221 for more information.
Key Path:
System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type
Readback: Mode
Annotation: None
Couplings: None
State Saved: Survives
Preset and power cycle, but no saved in Instrument State.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Default: Mode
Remote Command:
See “Preset Type” on page 250.
Example: SYST:PRES:TYPE MODE defines the type of preset as the mode preset.
After you have selected mode as the preset type, use SYST:PRES to do a
mode preset. Factory
Sets the preset type to “Factory.” When you do a preset, all of the factory default
instrument state will be restored. A factory preset switches the analyzer to the Spectrum
Analysis mode and resets the settings of all the modes to the factory defaults (i.e.
Spectrum Analysis Mode with continuous sweep). Refer to
“Preset” on page 221 for more
Key Path:
System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type
Annotation: Factory
State Saved: Survives
Preset and power cycle, but not saved in Instrument State.