330 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Control
One-Button Measurement Functions
Remote Command:
Use :INITiate:CONTinuous OFF|ON
See “SWEEP” on page 241.
Remote Command Notes: This command affects sweeping when in the SA mode. It affects
measurements when a measurement has been selected from the MEASure
command subsystem.
• When ON, at the completion of each trigger cycle, the trigger system
immediately initiates another trigger cycle.
• When OFF, the trigger system remains in an “idle” state until
CONTinuous is set to ON or an :INITiate[:IMMediate] command is
received. On receiving the :INITiate[:IMMediate] command, it will go
through a single trigger cycle, and then return to the “idle” state.
• The query INIT:CONT? returns 1 or 0. 1 is returned when the
instrument is continuous triggering. 0 is returned when it is single
5.2.3 Pause or Resume
This function pauses the currently running measurement. Pressing Pause will toggle
between pausing and resuming your measurement. The key label will toggle between Pause
and Resume. If an averaged measurement was in progress, the average counter is frozen
when the measurement is halted
Key Path:
Meas Control
Remote Command:
:INITiate:PAUSe to pause the measurement
:INITiate:RESume to resume the measurement.
Example: INIT:PAUS
Remote Command Notes:
See “Abort the Sweep or Measurement (Remote Command Only)” on
page 331.
for more information.
5.2.4 Trigger a Sweep or Measurement (Remote Command Only)
This command initiates a sweep if in SA mode with no measurement currently selected.
The command is ignored if the instrument is in a measurement (selected under the
MEASURE key), but the measurement is currently running, (INITiate:CONTinuous ON).
If a measurement is selected but it is in the idle state (i.e. it’s not running, INITiate:CONT
OFF), this command triggers the instrument, when trigger conditions are met. The trigger
system is initiated, it completes one full trigger cycle and returns to the “waiting” state.
Depending on the measurement selected and the number of averages, there may be