288 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.10.2 Video
Activates the trigger condition that allows the next sweep to start if the detected RF
envelope voltage crosses a level set by the video trigger level. When Video is pressed, a line
appears on the display. The analyzer triggers when the input signal exceeds the trigger
level at the left edge of the display. You can change the trigger level using the step keys,
the knob, or the numeric keypad. The line remains as long as video trigger is the trigger
Key Path:
Couplings: Trigger Delay adjustment is not available with Video triggering.
Video triggering is not available when the detector is Average. Marker
Functions that set the detector to average (such as Marker Noise or
Band/Intvl Power) are not available when the video trigger is on.
This function is not available when the Resolution Bandwidth is less than
1 kHz. If a Resolution Bandwidth less than 1 kHz is selected while in
Video Trigger mode, the Trigger mode changes to Free Run.
Factory Preset: –25 dBm
Range: Using logarithmic scale: from 10 display divisions below the reference
level, up to the reference level
Using linear scale: from 100 dB below the reference level, up to the
reference level
For more information, see
“Scale Type” on page 52.
Remote Command:
“Trig” on page 287 for the command that sets trigger mode. The following commands
set/read the trigger level.
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:LEVel <ampl>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:LEVel:FREQuency <freq> sets the Video Trigger level
when in FM Demod, and Demod View is on
Example: TRIG:SOUR VID selects video triggering.
4.10.3 Line
Sets the trigger to start a new sweep/measurement to be synchronized with the next cycle
of the line voltage.
Key Path: