164 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer <frequency>|UP|DOWN
Example: FREQ:CENT 5 GHZ sets the center frequency to 5 GHz
FREQ:CENT UP changes the center frequency to 5.1 GHz if you use
FREQ:CENT:STEP 100 MHz to set the center frequency step size to 100 MHz
2.6.2 Start Freq
Sets the frequency at the left side of the graticule and sets the frequency entry mode to
Start/Stop. When the Start/Stop Frequency entry mode is activate, the start and stop
frequency values are displayed below the graticule in place of center frequency and span.
The left and right sides of the graticule correspond to the start and stop frequencies.
Start Freq reaches the upper frequency limit, the stop frequency is set to the highest
available frequency and the start frequency is changed to be less then the stop frequency
by the minimum span (10 Hz). Center Freq will be updated to the stop frequency minus
one-half of the span, or to the stop frequency minus 5 Hz, and
Res BW and VBW will be set to
Key Path:
Couplings: Start Freq is unavailable when Segmented sweep is on.
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset: 10 MHz
Model Frequency Range
(with Frequency Offset = 0 Hz)
E4440A –100.0 MHz to 26.0 GHz
E4443A –100.0 MHz to 7.2 GHz
E4445A –100.0 MHz to 13.7 GHz
E4446A –100.0 MHz to 44.5 GHz
E4448A –100.0 MHz to 51.0 GHz