RS400 239 ROS™ v3.5
ERROR - Device has a recoverable problem that does not seriously affect operation
WARNING - Possibly serious problem affecting overall system operation
NOTIFY - Condition detected that is not expected or not allowed
INFO - Event which is a part of normal operation, e.g. warm start, user login etc.
DEBUG - Intended for factory troubleshooting only
Synopsis: MMM DD HH:MM
Time of first occurrence of the alarm.
Synopsis: Any 127 characters
Description about the alarm; gives details about frequency of the alarm if it has occurred more
than since the last clear.
Alarms can be cleared from the Clear Alarms option.
12.2 Viewing CPU Diagnostics
Figure 167: CPU Diagnostics Form
Running Time
Synopsis: DDDD days, HH:MM:SS
The amount of time since the device was last powered on.
Total Powered Time
Synopsis: DDDD days, HH:MM:SS
The cumulative powered up time of the device.