Upgrading Firmware and Managing Configurations
ROS™ v3.5 252 RS400
Start sending the file. After the file transfer is finished device will provide an indication that it was
properly upgraded.
The device must be reset in order for the new software to take effect. If you want to reset the
device immediately enter “reset<CR>”. The device will begin its reboot within a few seconds.
14.1.2 Upgrading Firmware Using a TFTP Client on Your Workstation
This method of TFTP transfer relies upon the use of a TFTP client upon a Unix/Dos workstation
to contact the product’s TFTP server.
Note: The TFTP Server parameter in IP Services Configuration controls how a TFTP client can access
the device’s built-in TFTP server. A setting of “Disabled” prevents all access, “Get Only” allows
retrieval of files and “Enabled” allows storing and retrieval of files. Ensure that this parameter is
appropriate for the type of access you wish to perform.
Ping the device to be downloaded in order to ensure it is available. Perform a TFTP transfer in
binary mode to the device, specifying a destination filename of “main.bin”. Most command line
TFTP utilities would use a syntax similar to “tftp –i hostname put local_file remote_file”.
Checking Status of Download
The utility will provide an indication that the file was transferred properly, but you must also
query the device in order to determine if it was correctly programmed.
Use the command “rsh hostname –l username,password version” to obtain the revision of the
firmware. If the download was successful the version will be indicated as the “next” firmware
version (i.e. the firmware that will run after the next reboot).
Figure 179 Example of an Upgrade using a TFTP client on your workstation
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=60
C:\>tftp -i put C:\files\ROD-CF52_Main_v3.0.0.bin main.bin
Transfer successful: 1428480 bytes in 4 seconds, 375617 bytes/s
C:\> rsh –l guest version
Current ROS-CF52 Boot Software v2.5.0 (May 31 2005 13:56)
Current ROS-CF52 Main Software v2.4.4 (Sep 15 2005 12:01)
Next ROS-CF52 Main Software v3.0.0 (Dec 21 2005 09:04)