Serial Protocols
RS400 79 ROS™ v3.5
Synopsis: 0 to 63
Default: 0
DSCP - Differentiated Services Code Point, to set the DS byte in the IP header. DS byte setting
is supported in the egress direction only.
Synopsis: 0 to 63
Default: 0
DSCP - Differentiated Services Code Point, to set the DS byte in the IP header. DS byte setting
is supported in the egress direction only.
2.3.7 MicroLok
Figure 49: MicroLok Form
Synopsis: { TCP, UDP }
Default: UDP
The network transport used to transport protocol data over IP network.
IP Port
Synopsis: 1024 to 65535
Default: 60000
A local port number on which protocol listens for UDP datagrams.
Link Stats
Synopsis: { Disabled, Enabled }
Default: Enabled
Enables links statistics collection for protocol.
Synopsis: 0 to 63