Serial Protocols
ROS™ v3.5 72 RS400
Default: TCP
The network transport used to transport protocol data over IP network.
Call Dir
Synopsis: { In, Out, Both }
Default: In
Whether to accept an incoming connection, to place an outgoing connection, or to place
outgoing connection and wait for incoming (both directions). This parameter is applicable only
for TCP transport.
Max Conns
Synopsis: 1 to 64
Default: 1
The maximum number of allowed incoming TCP connections.
Loc Port
Synopsis: 1024 to 65535
Default: 50000
The local IP port to use when listening for an incoming connection or UDP data.
Rem Port
Synopsis: 1 to 65535
Default: 50000
The remote TCP port to use when placing an outgoing connection.
IP Address
Synopsis: ###.###.###.### where ### ranges from 0 to 255 or { }
For direction 'OUT' (client), remote IP address to use when placing an outgoing TCP connection
For direction 'IN' (server), local interface IP address to listen to the local port for connection
request. Emtpy string can be used for IP address of management interface.
For direction 'BOTH' (client or server), remote IP address to use when placing an outgoing TCP
connection requestListening interface will be chosen by matching mask.
Link Stats
Synopsis: { Disabled, Enabled }
Default: Enabled
Enables links statistics collection for protocol.