Serial Protocols
ROS™ v3.5 86 RS400
Synopsis: { TIN }
The serial protocol supported on this serial port.
Synopsis: Any 31 characters
The remote device address.
Synopsis: ###.###.###.### where ### ranges from 0 to 255
The IP Address of the remote host.
IP Port
Synopsis: 1 to 65535
The remote port number through which remote device sent a UDP datagram or TCP connection
is established.
Synopsis: -128 to 0 or { N/A }
The signal strength indicator received from wayside data radio. N/A for TIN Mode 1.
Aging Time
Synopsis: 0 to 1000
The amount of time since the last packet arrived from the device. Once this time exceeds the
Aging Timer setting for protocol, the device will be removed from the table. This value is
updated every 10 seconds.
2.3.12 Links Statistics
This table presents detailed statistics for a specific link between two devices.
Figure 57: Links Statistics Table