2 Installation
20 Series N6700 User’s Guide
General Information
Agilent Model Description
N6700B / N6701A / N6702A 400 W / 600 W / 1200W MPS Mainframe - without DC Power Modules
N6751A / N6752A 50 W / 100 W High-Performance Autoranging DC Power Module
N6753A / N6754A 300 W 20V / 60V High-Performance Autoranging DC Power Module
N6761A / N6762A 50 W / 100 W Precision DC Power Module
N6731B / N6741B 50 W / 100 W 5 V DC Power Module
N6732B / N6742B 50 W / 100 W 8 V DC Power Module
N6733B / N6743B / N6773A 50 W / 100 W / 300 W 20 V DC Power Module
N6734B / N6744B / N6774A 50 W / 100 W / 300 W 35 V DC Power Module
N6735B / N6745B / N6775A 50 W / 100 W / 300 W 60 V DC Power Module
N6736B / N6746B / N6776A 50 W / 100 W / 300 W 100 V DC Power Module
Items Supplied
Item Description Part Number
Power Cord A power cord suitable for your location. Shipped w/mainframe. Call Agilent Sales & Support Office
Ferrite Core Installs on power cord to reduce common mode currents. Agilent 9170-2131
Digital Connector One 8-pin connector for connecting signal lines to the digital
port. Shipped with mainframe.
Agilent 1253-6408
Phoenix Contact MC 1,5/8-ST-3,5
Product Reference CD-ROM Includes drivers and documentation.
Shipped with mainframe. Agilent 5969-2914
Automation-Ready CD-ROM Contains Agilent IO Libraries Suite. Shipped with mainframe. Agilent E2094N
12 A Output Connector One 12A, 4-pin connector plug for connecting power and sense
leads. Used in all except N6731B, N6741B, N6754A, N6773A.
Agilent 1253-5826
Phoenix Contact MSTB 2,5/4-STF
20 A Output Connector One 20A, 4-pin connector plug for connecting power and sense
leads. Only used in N6731B, N6741B, N6754A, N6773A.
Agilent 1253-6211
Phoenix Contact PC 4/4-ST-7,62
50 A Output Connector One 50A, 2-pin connector plug for connecting power leads.
Only used in N6753A.
Agilent 1253-7187
Molex 39422-0002
Small Sense Jumpers Two small jumpers for local sensing at the output connector.
Used in all except N6731B, N6741B, N6754A, N6773A.
Agilent 8120-8821
Phoenix Contact EPB 2-5(1733169)
Large Sense Jumpers Two large jumpers for local sensing at the output connector.
Only used in N6731B, N6741B, N6754A, N6773A.
Agilent 0360-2935
Phoenix Contact 3118151
Sense Connector A 4-pin connector for connecting sense leads. Wires (p/n
5185-8847) are used for local sensing. Only used in N6753A.
Agilent 1253-5830
Phoenix Contact MC 1,5/4-ST-3,5
Module Cal. Certificate A certificate of calibration referenced to the serial number. N/A
Option Description
0L1 Manual Set. Contains User’s Guide and Service Guide. Also available as part number 5969-2939.
054 High-speed Test Extensions. Includes digitized output measurements and output list capability.
Available for Agilent Models N675xA. Included with Agilent Models N676xA.
760 Output disconnect/polarity reversal. Disconnects the + and – output and sense terminals. Switches
the + and – output and sense polarities. Not available on Models N6741B, N675xA, or N676xA.
761 Output disconnect. Disconnects + and – output and sense terminals. Available for all Agilent Models.
908 Rack Mount Kit. For mounting in a 19-inch EIA rack cabinet. Also available as Model N6709A.
FLR Filler module. For mainframes with less than four power modules. Also available as Model N6708A.
200 μA measurement range with output disconnect relays. Only available on Agilent Models N676xA.