Operating the Power System 4
Series N6700 User’s Guide 55
Synchronizing Output Steps
The transient system lets you step the output voltage and current up
or down in response to triggered events. To generate a triggered
output step you must:
1. Enable the output to respond to trigger commands.
2. Set the voltage or current trigger levels.
3. Select the transient trigger source.
4. Initiate the trigger system and provide a trigger signal.
Enable the Output to Respond to Trigger Commands
First, you must enable the output to respond to trigger commands.
Unless an output is enabled to respond to triggers, nothing will
happen even if you have programmed a trigger level and generated a
trigger for the output.
Use the following commands to enable an output to respond to
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select Transient\Mode.
For voltage step triggering, set the
Voltage mode to Step. For current
step triggering, set the Current mode
to Step. Then press Select.
To enable the voltage function on
output 1 to respond to triggers, use:
To enable the current function on
output 1 to respond to triggers, use:
In Step mode, the triggered value becomes the immediate value when the
trigger is received. In Fixed mode, trigger signals are ignored; the immediate
values remain in effect when a trigger is received.
Set the Voltage or Current Trigger Levels
Next, use the following commands to program an output trigger level.
The output will go to this level when the trigger is received.
If you have a model that has multiple ranges, the selected triggered
voltage and current settings must be within the same range that the
output channel is presently operating in.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select Transient\Step.
Select the Trig Voltage box to set
the voltage. Select the Trig Current
box to set the current. Enter a value
and press Select.
To set a voltage and current trigger
level for output 1 use:
VOLT:TRIG 15,(@1)
CURR:TRIG 1,(@1)