Quantum 6-01658-02 Tool Storage User Manual

Chapter 6 Managing the File System
Working With Affinities
StorNext User’s Guide 116
For example, if you create a directory association with Affinity aff1, all
data written to that directory is written to StripeGroup StripeGroup2, and
therefore only to disk2.
If you make an association with Affinity aff2 and a separate directory in
the file system, all data is directed to StripeGroup StripeGroup3, which
contains three disks: disk3, disk4, and disk5. All data is written to these
disks when directed to the associated directory with Affinity aff2.
This section includes the following topics:
Adding an Affinity
Adding an Affinity Through SNSM
Modifying an Affinity
Deleting an Affinity
File System Configuration Restrictions
Adding an Affinity 6
Use the following procedure to add an affinity to a configured file
1 From the StorNext home page, select Add Affinity from the Config
menu. The Add Affinity Introduction screen appears, showing a list
of existing configured file systems to which you can add an affinity.