Sony BZNP-100 Dust Collector User Manual

Properties Dialog Box
The Properties dialog box is used to specify the type, title, and playout schedule (for the
Scheduling Application only) of the playlist.
Type and Title Text Boxes
Enter the type and title of the playlist that is being edited in the Edit Playlist window.
This information will be displayed to identify each playlist.
Repeat Check Box
Check this to repeat playout of this playlist, so that the first event will start again after
playout of the last event, until playout is stopped manually. Clear it to not repeat
It is not possible to repeat playout of playlists that contain a break event.
Start Date and End Date Drop-down List Boxes (Scheduling Application only)
Used to specify the period during which the playlist can be used. Specify the desired
dates for the Start Date and End Date. Clicking the drop-down list button displays a
calendar from which you can select a date.
You can customize the date format using the Windows Regional and Language Options.
Open the Regional and Language Options window from the Windows Control Panel,
and specify the desired "Short date" format. Note that date indication may not fit in the
drop-down list box, depending on the selected format.
Refer to the online help of Windows for details on how to customize the date format.
Start Time Spin Box and Save as Default Button (Scheduling Application only)
Used to specify the start time of the top event of the playlist.
Clicking the Save as Default button saves the specified time, and this will be the default
for the playlists created for the same network player group from then on.
Repeat End Time Spin Box and Save as Default Button (Scheduling Application
Used to specify the daily end time of a repeated playlist. These items are enabled only
when the Repeat check box has a check mark.
Clicking the Save as Default button saves the specified time, and this will be the default
for the playlists created for the same network player group from then on.
The longest continuous playlist repeat duration is 23 hours and 58 minutes. Specify the
Repeat End Time so that the network player will be idle at the HDD Sleep Start Time
specified in the NSP-100 Setup dialog box.
Setting of an appropriate Repeat End Time gives you a better file transfer rate (when
transfer is performed while the network player is not being used for playout), and fewer
malfunctions of the network player HDD.