
Using a Control File for Another Network Player or Network Player Group
To apply a control file to another network player or group, copy the corresponding
control file using Windows Explorer, before carrying out the procedure above.
The control files for a single network player are stored in "BZNP-100 install
folder\NSP\network player name folders," and those for a network player group are
stored in "BZNP-100 install folder\PLIST\group name folders."
For example, to apply a PDP control file for the "HQ" network player to the network
player group named "Tokyo," copy "PdpCfg.txt" from "BZNP-100 install
folder\NSP\HQ" to "BZNP-100 install folder\PLIST\Tokyo," then carry out steps 1 to 3
and 7 to 8 of the procedure above.