TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1-2: Channel input and vert ical specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
DC voltage measurement accuracy Measurement type DC accuracy (in volts)
Sample acquisition mode,
Any sample ±[(1.5% + 1.0% × |net
offset /offset range|)×
|reading -- net offset| +
offset accuracy + (0.13 div
× V/div setting) + 0.6 mV]
TDS5104B: 2 mV/div --
3.98 mV/div
±[(1.5% + 3.0% × |net
offset /offset range|)×
|reading -- net offset| +
offset accuracy + 0.13 div
×V/div setting + 0.6 mV]
Delta voltage measurement
between any two points
acquired under the same
setup and ambient condi-
±[1.5% + 1.0% × |net
offset /offset range|×
|reading -- net offset| +
(0.26 div × V/div setting) +
1.2 mV]
TDS5104B: 2 mV/div --
3.98 mV/div
±[1.5% + 3.0% × |net
offset /offset range|×
|reading -- net offset| + 0.26
div ×V/di v setting
where, net offset = offset -- (position × volts/division)
n Average acquisition
Average of ≥16 waveforms ±[1.5% + 1.0% × |net
offset /offset range|×
|reading -- net offset| +
offset accuracy + 0.06 div
× V/div]
TDS5104B: 2 mV/div --
3.98 mV/div
±[1.5% + 3.0% ×
|net offset /offset range|×
|reading -- net offset| +
offset accuracy + 0.06 div
× V/div]