
Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
g. Check against limits: CHECK that the cursor readout is 100 ps.
h. Enter the time in the test record.
3. Disconnect the hookup: Disconnect the coupler or cables from the input
connectors of the channels.
One leveled sine-wave generator (Item 13)
One 50 , precision coaxial cable (Item 4)
Prerequisites Read Prerequisit es on page 2--17 and foot note warnings on page 2--19.
TDS5000B Series oscilloscope
50 precision coaxial cable
sine wave
Figure 2- 15: Initial test hookup
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Hook up the test-signal source: Connect, through a 50 precision
coaxial cable, the output of the generator to CH 1. See Figure 2--15.
b. Initialize the oscilloscope: Press the DEFAULT SE TUP button.
c. Modify the initialized control s ettings:
H Turn on all vertical channels (press the Vertical button of any off
channels: CH 1, CH 2, and, if equipped, CH 3, and CH 4).
H From the toolbar, click the Vert button. Set the termination of each
channel to 50 by selecting each channel tab and clicking its
Termination 50 button.
H SettheVerticalSCALEofCH1,CH2,CH3,andCH4to100 mV.
H Set the Trigger SOURCE to CH 1.
H Set the Horizontal SCALE to 20 ns (25 n s for TDS5054BE).
Check Channel Isolation