TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1-6: Input/output port specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
Parallel port (IEEE 1284) DB-25 connect or, supports the following modes:
Standard, output only
Bidirectional, PS-2 compatible
Bidirectional Enhanced Parall el Port (IEEE 1284
standard, mode 1 or mode 2, v 1.7)
Bidirectional High-speed Extended Capabilities Port
Audio ports Mi niature phone jacks for stereo microphone input and
stereo line output
USB port (2) Allows connection of USB keyboard/mouse and or other
devices whil e scope power is on
Supports USB 2.0 protocol
Keyboard port PS-2 compatible, oscilloscope power must be off to make
Mouse port PS-2 compatible, oscilloscope power must be off to make
LAN port RJ-45 connect or, supports 10 base-T and 100 base-T
Serial port (COM1) DB-9 connector, uses NS16C550-compatible UARTS,
transfer speeds up to 115.2 kb/s
SVGA video port Upper video port, DB-15 female connector, connect a
second monit or to use dual-monitor display mode,
supports Basic requirements of PC99 specifications
GPIB port IEEE 488.2 standard interface
Scope VGA video port Lower video port, DB-15 female connector, 31.6 kHz
sync, EIA RS-343A compliant, connect to show the
oscilloscope display, including live waveforms, on an
external monitor
Table 1-7: Data storage specifications
Characteristic Description
CD-ROM Si de-panel CD-R/W drive; reads CD/CD-ROM, CD-R, and
CD-R/W disks
24X read speed; 24X write speed
Floppy disk Front-panel 3.5 in USB floppy disk drive, 1.44 MB
Hard di sk Standard internal hard disk capacity: 80 GB
External hard disk capacity: refer to added options