TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1-4: Trigger specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
Advanced trigger timer ranges Limits
Glitch type 1nsto1s
Runt or window type, wider
Runt or window type, time
Width type 1nsto1s
Timeout type 1nsto1s
Transition type 1nsto1s
Pattern type 1nsto1s
Setup/Hold t y pe Setup and Hold timers Limits
Setup time (time from data
transition t o cl ock edge)
--100 ns to +100 ns
Hold time (time from clock
edge to data transition)
--1 ns to +100 ns
Setup time + Hold time
(algebraic sum of the two
+2 ns to +200 ns
n Advanced trigger timer accuracy For Glitch, Timeout, or Width types
Time range Accuracy
1 ns to 500 ns ±(20% of setting + 0.5 ns)
520 ns to 1 s ±(0.01% of setting +
100 ns)
Trigger holdoff range 1.5 s to 12 s, minimum resolution is 8 s for settings
≤1.2 ms